Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beth amid the daffodils

Don't want to say anything really, just thought this photo turned out beautifully and wanted to share it!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Moving, Death and an Accident with a Sausage!

Well we did move on September the 5th and are now residing in Whitby. The move itself went fine, I was a little worried when two wee skinny white guys turned up from the moving company. I had images of us taking a week just to load the truck!! But they were machines and packed the truck with no trouble. The day had started badly with me having to take Gizmo to the vet, he was acting a bit strange and felt quite cold so I dropped him of at the vet while the madness of moving continued. Then I was shocked to get a phone call from the vet to say that he had advanced cancer!!! We went down to the vet's and when we saw him we knew there was no tough decision to be made he had deteriorated so rapidly since that morning that we needed to put him down because he was in pain. So there I was on our moving day saying goodbye to my best mate for the past 13 years! It didn't seem like a good way to start our new life back in Wellington. Jane had been very kind to come over and help with packing prior to moving day and was also helping on the day. Thank goodness for good friends!!!! Jane was able to guide the movers while we were dealing with the Gizmo tragedy.

So anyway here we are established in Whitby, I must admit after a rough start of missing Gizmo, mum and dad and our lovely Masterton house and fenced yard, that Whitby does have some good things going for it. There are wonderful walkways to playgrounds and around lakes which are really quite picturesque considering they are dotted around a suburb. There are masses of Tui and other birdlife and lots of trees, it is a lovely green neighbourhood. Now we just need to be in a house that caters for all of our needs and we will be 100% happy!!

Now on to the accident with the sausage, yesterday Dave and I were pushing the VW out of the garage so I wouldn't wake Beth up by starting it in the garage (it is very noisy!) only to discover the battery was still flat as a pancake. So we went to push it back in and pushed it over Harley!!!!! Our wee sausage dog!!! I thought we'd killed him, he yelped and even attempted to bite me when I went to try and get him from under the car. I quickly rang the vet and took him straight there, all the time Harley was just shaking and watching my every move. I had to leave him with them so they could do X rays to make sure he didn't have any broken bones or internal injuries. Then I got the phone call to say he had broken a toe!!!! He was run over by a VW beetle and he broke a toe!!!! I couldn't believe it!! I was so thankful he was o.k!