Monday, July 13, 2009

Two Years Old!

It is hard to believe that our wee girl is now two!! What a journey so far!

Born at 31+5 weeks old she was flown to Wellington hospital by plane and was in the neonatal ward there for 3 weeks, we were then transported by ambulance back to Masterton and spent a further few days in the paediatric ward there before finally going home with a baby who still didn't weigh 2 kg!!

It feels like Beth has always been in our life and I know our lives are richer for it. Despite the odd tanty and squeal she is a lovely, funny wee girl who loves to socialise and spend time with those she loves.

Our little girl who loves sitting on your knee to read a story, dancing, talking to her toys, spotting planes in the sky, jumping, galloping and running everywhere and watching High5!

1 comment:

Granny and Grandad said...

What a joy she is to us too