Monday, April 21, 2008

Things that make you go.....

I have to share a funny moment I had the other day, because at the time there was only Mack and myself there and frankly?!?! Mack didn't get it.

Beth likes to suck on a dummy when she is going to sleep, so like any good parent I have two dummies, the main one and a back up one in case of emergencies. Being back up dummy is a thankless job and it so happened on this day the dummy was on the couch in the dining room when Gizmo (the cat) discovered it. He promptly flicked it from the couch and had a great game of bat the dummy around the wooden floor. I heard this going on from the kitchen so thought I better rescue it. Mack (the dog) and I went to investigate but strangely enough I couldn't find it anywhere!?!?! Puzzled I asked Mack "Mack have you seen it?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha - that's almost funnier than the rodent-niece! haha