Saturday, April 12, 2008

Selfish or Essential?

It's not that I'm lonely or bored in any way, but I do crave adult conversation and company at times that doesn't involve babies! I think it's the guilt free non-baby time which is the hardest to achieve. I love going to the movies with friends, hanging out singing karaoke very loudly in a new subdivision with the windows open....thanks Gazza and Shazza!!

It is these moments that make me feel like me again and not just a wife and mother. I think that is why I have really enjoyed getting back into my running...because it's all about ME for a change. I spend the majority of my day doing things for my family so to get away and only think about me and do what I want to do.... is LOVELY!!

Definitely essential for me! Time out keeps me human.


Nomadic Emma said...

Oh my god - you're soooo not selfish! Look up 'selfish' in the dictionary and you shall see a rather large picture of me. Me, me, me!

Special K said...

There's no 'just' about being a wife and mother, but I know what you mean. I'm still in the 'needing to know i'm not screwing up my child for life' stage, so I enjoy talking to mothers of older babies than mine and finding out what works for them etc. I get a bit bored with the cyclical nature of mothering - it's a bit ground hog day sometimes. Sleep, feed, change, play, sleep, feed etc. I would like to have a break from thinking about how he's going, how far off he is from a feed, a sleep etc. So no, you're not selfish. You're human.