Monday, July 7, 2008

Bat Boy The Musical

My major dance project this year is called 'Bat Boy' which Rob Ormsby is directing at Porirua Little Theatre. The auditions are the 2nd and 3rd of August and we also have a back up date of the 9th. I am choreographing the show.
'Bat Boy' has nothing to do with Batman it can be quite a dark tale depending on the angle the director takes. Bat Boy is half man half bat and the way that happens does not involve a simple bite.... I am looking forward to doing this production, with a bit more time on my hands instead of having to choreograph at night after work or weekends, I guess I have no excuse not to be organised and get most of the movement completed before the auditions begin. That's as long as Beth doesn't start crawling any time soon....
I have even asked if I can audition, the last show I was in was 'Nunsense' as Sister Mary Leo, that was before I travelled to Ireland!

I had a job offer from Kahutara school last week too. If they get funding from REAP they are going to employ me to teach the four classes - alongside the teachers, a dance and song from another country. So four different cultural dances and songs to compliment their Olympics project. Hopefully we will also get to design the costume as well. They said they are flexible in regard to when I teach each class so I am hoping to be able to do four hours at a time when I travel down to the school. That means less mucking around with Beth.

So it is a very busy term ahead...yay! I am looking forward to it.

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