Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I think snoring must be one of the worst curses to have...you could never have a sneaky little nap, everyone around you knows exactly when you nodded off and when you woke up. Although my husband is very talented and can snore when he is awake "How could I be snoring? I was awake!"
I am writing this after another night of little sleep, it's a terrifying feeling to wake to a noise which makes you believe Armageddon is happening right there inside your bedroom. Yes my poor husband has the curse, otherwise known as being a snorer. The poor guy wakes after a lovely night of sleep only to be confronted by a prickly, eyeball hanging wife with enough luggage under her eyes for a world trip. Sometimes I just can't be nice after a night of living on the edge, trying to get to sleep beside a ticking time bomb that you know is going to go off, it's just a matter of when!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Big Country

We have been on holiday in the South Island for two weeks now and I have to say...wow what a beautiful part of the world we have here! Parts remind me of my adventures around Ireland and Scotland with the mountainous countryside, strong dominating coastlines and lakes tucked up against the beautifully serene backdrop of green...wow.

The land of the rolling R's reminds me that we share the world with a lot of other fabulous people all sucking up the stunning views from the safety of their motorhomes or the not so safe seats of their bicycles.

I have been inspired into getting back into my running, every second day I head out to explore my immediate surroundings on foot. New scenery always makes the run seem less like work. I'm taking it pretty easy as I am still breastfeeding and want to continue for a while yet. We only have two more nights left before returning home then I am going to have to get good at running behind a stroller...ho hum.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Baby Talk

Listen to an adult talking to a small child and you would swear that they had lost their mind. They suddenly become mumbling, bumbling, goo gaaing idiots! This is one thing I wanted to ensure I never stooped too. As far as I am concerned dancing around the house with my wee girl, pulling faces, girly giggles and singing nursery rhymes at the top of my voice, as well as other songs are quite acceptable. But making new baby names for things which already have perfectly good names? Well lets just say I fight the urge to goo gaa every day, sometimes I slip, but I am going to do my best to ensure my little girl has a fully coherent mother, who doesn't embarrass her in public with Baby Talk.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Home Executive?

There are benefits to living in a small town.....house prices are lower, you can always get a car park, there are no traffic jams, cycling doesn't involve taking your life into your own hands and when you go for walks to get some fresh air....you really do!!
Don't get me wrong there are disadvantages, less people to hang out with, not so many options for extra curricular activities/classes for adults and not to mention the six finger and inbreeding jokes you have to endure.
I've recently become a 'home executive', what is with that by the way? There is nothing executive about the position? I don't wear heels and a suit to work, carry my coffee in its little trendy take away cup, covered with some gross advert outlining the benefits of drinking copeous amounts of the tarry stinky syrup! Nor do I have a plastic see through file under my arm full of incredibly important documents which I have spent the early hours meticulously checking whilst drinking my tarry stinky syrup!?!
I'm an at home mum, I spend most of my day wearing comfy clothing and looking particularly unglamorous. I drink water...it's free, good for you and won't burn the baby. I try to read a good novel, do the sudoku and crosswords to keep my brain functioning. I've given up a well paying job to take on this new role which involves puke, nappies and drool......hmmmm.