Friday, January 25, 2008

Big Country

We have been on holiday in the South Island for two weeks now and I have to what a beautiful part of the world we have here! Parts remind me of my adventures around Ireland and Scotland with the mountainous countryside, strong dominating coastlines and lakes tucked up against the beautifully serene backdrop of

The land of the rolling R's reminds me that we share the world with a lot of other fabulous people all sucking up the stunning views from the safety of their motorhomes or the not so safe seats of their bicycles.

I have been inspired into getting back into my running, every second day I head out to explore my immediate surroundings on foot. New scenery always makes the run seem less like work. I'm taking it pretty easy as I am still breastfeeding and want to continue for a while yet. We only have two more nights left before returning home then I am going to have to get good at running behind a stroller...ho hum.

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